Constructed Epic: Who Needs Allies or Loyalty

Epic Box


I wanted a deck that ran 15 of each faction. This is that deck.

First Shot Deck List

Who Needs Allies or Loyalty Deck

Evil (15)

Slow (0)

Fast (10)
3x Bitten
3x Final Task
3x Plague
1x Zombie Apocalypse

0-Cost (5)
3x Corpse Taker
2x Wither

Good (15)

Slow (4)
3x Palace Guard
1x Thundarus

Fast (6)
3x Cease Fire
3x Resurrection

0-Cost (5)
3x Brave Squire
2x Watchful Gargoyle

Sage (15)

Slow (4)
1x Frost Giant
3x Sea Titan

Fast (6)
3x Erase
3x Wave of Transformation

0-Cost (5)
2x Amnesia
3x Muse

Wild (15)

Slow (4)
3x Kong
1x Triceratops

Fast (6)
3x Hurricane
3x Surprise Attack

0-Cost (5)
2x Lash
3x Rage

First Shot Explanation

While this deck isn’t terribly serious, I do like it. This deck is designed to exploit Kong, Palace Guard, and Sea Titan. All of these champions remove a champion when they come into play and leave a body (big bodies for Kong and Sea Titan). I then also bring 3 Resurrections and 3 Corpse Takers to reuse them. 3 Surprise Attacks are also included to get them into play. 3 Final Tasks can get solid blitz damage in or a block + removal.

3/11/16 Rework Deck List

Who Needs Allies or Loyalty 2

Evil (9)

Slow (0)

Fast (6)
3x Final Task
3x Plague

0-Cost (3)
3x Corpse Taker

Good (12)

Slow (3)
3x Palace Guard

Fast (8)
3x Cease Fire
2x Inner Peace
3x Resurrection

0-Cost (1)

1x Watchful Gargoyle

Sage (15)

Slow (4)
1x Frost Giant
3x Sea Titan

Fast (6)
3x Erase
3x Wave of Transformation

0-Cost (5)
2x Amnesia
3x Muse

Wild (24)

Slow (6)
3x Kong
3x Triceratops

Fast (10)
3x Hurricane
1x Lightning Storm
3x Lurking Giant
3x Surprise Attack

0-Cost (8)
3x Flash Fire
2x Lash
3x Rage

3/11/16 Rework Explanation

Removed: Bitten, Zombie Apocalypse, Wither, Thundarus, and Brave Squire

Who Needs Allies or Loyalty 2 Remove

Added: Inner Peace, Lightning Storm, Lurking Giant, and Flash Fire

Who Needs Allies or Loyalty 2 Add

This deck actually worked fairly well when I played it, so I decided to forgo my 15/15/15/15 requirement to try to make it better. The strength of this deck is in abusing Palace Guard, Sea Titan, and Kong. Corpse Taker, Resurrection, and Final Task allow me to replay them, and the rest of the cards are just strong.

Flash Fire is one of the best cards in my opinion, and it was an easy replacement for Wither. It also helps to clear out chump blockers for an attack by one of my big champions.

Lurking Giant is an 11/11 ambush. I included this because it is another big Hurricane-surviving champion, and it can be played on my opponent’s turn. All of my other champions need a Surprise Attack.

Inner Peace is the most interesting card I added. This does have an ally effect so it messes with the deck’s name, but I think it will fit well. Since I am abusing those 3 champions, I have big champions and strong removal. I also have a lot of ways to deal with tokens, and a lot of ways to draw cards. In other words, I believe that I can afford to bring/play 2 cards exclusively to heal and not fall behind.

Lightning Storm is just strong in general.

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