Dixon Duels Constructed Stream

This Thursday May 21st stream at 7:30pm CDT on twitch.tv/tomsepicgaming will be Duels constructed testing with Pluck U captain and my competitive card game mentor Tom Dixon.

My current decks include an

  • AoE bounce deck built around the tribute deal 2 damage 0-cost champions: Bouncing Lightning
  • Human tokens aggro combo deck (duels gives a lot of fuel)
  • Messing around with Evil tokens, first draft had too many holes. Either an update to my constructed monthly winning MGH tokens list or possibly an event based version
  • My constructed monthly winning Sage untargetables list, currently the only change being +3 Dissapearing Act, possibly swapping in Transmogrify
  • I’m also working on an anti-war, anti-bounce Wild list, but it doesn’t have much if any duels in it

“Images used with permission from White Wizard Games. These are not the final card files and are subject to change.”

New Cards in Epic App (Stream Review on Thursday + VoD)

The beta version of the Epic Card Game app just added the cards from the upcoming Epic Duel Decks. I have verified that they are in there (by checking the deck builder), but I have not looked at the text of any of the new cards yet. Aside from a few cards they spoiled before and a few that might be in the campaign, this is the first time most of the these cards have been seen before.

This Thursday at my usual stream time 7:30pm CDT on https://www.twitch.tv/tomsepicgaming, I am going to go through them and give my first impression reviews. Come join in the discussion! Seeing as this is a full day away, I welcome you to review the cards ahead of time to form your own opinions on them and see how they match up to my own, or if you want to discover them at the same time that works too. Hopefully there’s another Dark Eyes equivalent. Eventually, once I’ve had a chance to mess with them a bit more, I’ll write up reviews for them to add to the rest.

I’ve also roughly edited out the most interesting game from my last Dark Draft Arena stream:

Watch Opponent Drafted Devestating Off-Turn Punishers from TomSEpicGaming on www.twitch.tv

Game starts at 8:12