7th Sea – Gen Con 2023 – Top Eisen Retrospective/Deck Tech

My most anticipated event at Gen Con 2023 was the 7th Sea : City of Five Sails World Championship. I heard about the game while looking through the Gen Con event list for tournaments, and I had managed to get about 10 games in before Gen Con and another 3 Friday night. Posted a bit about the game here.

I went into the tournament wanting to play a Castille/Soline deck because it seemed like the weakest faction so I felt challenged to make it work. Played some games against my good friend Tom Dixon the night before the event, and it just felt frustratingly underpowered. So, I switched to Eisen/Kaspar because I was super excited about exploiting Unsavory Salve, and Eisen seemed reasonably powerful overall. Was a bit worried that everyone was going to be playing Eisen, but I was pleasantly surprised to see it was tied for the least represented faction (with Vodacce/The Don) for my hipster self. I was also very surprised with how underwhelming Unsavory Salve turned out to be.

Gen Con 2023 Top Eisen Decklist

This is the list I ran for the tournament. (There are 6 changes I made after the event):

Kaspar Dietrich (Gen Con 2023) [Chip Damage]



Attachments (15)

Non-Attachments (25)

Initial Deck Idea

Generally speaking, I intended this to be a midrange deck that could win with any of the three victory conditions. The major idea I wanted to experiment with was shrugging off challenges while pushing through small amounts of damage at a time, not necessarily focusing on initiating challenges myself. I wanted only-parry cards (ex. Regroup) to end duels (if you send no threat back, the duel ends), and I wanted to use the guns (ex. Polished Flintlock) to whittle down characters.

Unsavory Salve’s ability to erase a threat and turn it into a wound had me salivating over the idea of achieving both of those goals at the same time. Specifically, it could turn Appealing to the People, Breastplate, and Kaspar’s Panzerhand into 3 or 4 parry cards, that inflicted an unblockable wound and ended the duel, effectively erasing the value of my opponent’s Engage Action (challenge). Even getting an unlucky Opulence Gamble could at least end the duel and deal a wound. Important remainder though, you can only trigger one Technique per combat round, so you can’t use 2 Unsavory Salves to cancel 2 Thrust (ex. Tending the Wounded). In addition, if your weapon is destroyed or stolen, you lose the Salve.

Lastly, we packed 15 attachments into the deck to have an attachment density greater than 1/3 to make Otto likely to draw a card off his ability. Throwing Knives were primarily included to hit that threshold and to help enable Last Word.

World Championship Games

A brief account of each of the games (as well as I can remember). Putting these in show/hide blocks to artificially deflate the length of the post.

Game 1: Eisen vs Vodacce

Game 2: Eisen vs Castille (On Stream)

Game 3: Eisen vs Vodacce

Game 4: Eisen vs Vodacce

Game 5: Eisen vs Ussura

Game 6 (Top 16): Opponent Didn’t Show

Unfortunate as I would rather play than get a free win, but it happens. Got some sweet promos.

Interesting to note the top 5 was all Vodacce (with only 9 Vodacce players) except for me as Eisen in 3rd. I was also the only Eisen in top 16 (only 9 Eisen players as well). Overall a very balanced distribution of factions which surprised me.

Disqualification “Win” 5*-1

Game 7 (Top 8): Eisen vs Castille

Post-Tournament Deck Thoughts/Card Analysis

Major takeaways from the event were

  1. Always going first with Midnight Shipment and Let’s Haggle in addition to occasionally the others was incredibly powerful for getting to all of the Mercs/attachments from the City Deck I wanted
  2. The City Action on each of those and Armed and Marshalled were all incredible/unexpected by my opponents
  3. Turn 1 Domination is real and scary especially as I’m a value deck
  4. Whiffed 8 times trying for an attachment with Otto, want more attachments
  5. Rena did work, although Langshwert was the true hero
  6. Fight Through the Pain is one of the best cards in the game, supports overwhelming-force combat ideaology (briefly send as much threat as possible, ideally 2 or 3 above your restricted hostilities)


I really enjoyed the game, and the distribution model lets me mess around with whatever deck I feel like without having to chase down cards etc. Really enjoying the game, the festival/judges were great, story is a definite plus with a cool writer, and I’m looking forward to seeing how the overwhelming force doctrine maps onto the other factions.

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