Fantasy Flight Games Intern

Finally got my internet set up today in my new apartment in Minnesota. I’m in Minnesota because I got accepted for the Fantasy Flight Games internship, and I just finished my first week. It is a 3 month internship which seems like it will provide great experience to get into the game industry.

With regard to the blog, I will not have as much time to write articles, but I do plan on getting at least 5 cards re-rated for Dark Draft a week, if not more. I’ve also ordered the Fantasy Flight LCGs that I have been wanting to play for awhile (Android Netrunner, Star Wars, and Game of Thrones), so there is a good chance I’ll be posting about those as well.

Epic Puzzle First Week Ending

Epic Box


Tomorrow 7/24/16 is the last day to submit answers for the first week of the challenge found here. 11:59pm CDT is the deadline for a chance at the 1 point per winning solution. After that, all of the solutions will be posted and improvements (and new solutions) may be submitted for a chance at half a point per best solution.


I had actually said 7pm CDT 7/25/16 was the deadline in the original post.

Current Verified Scores (7/23/16 11:10pm CDT)

1) Most Champions on Turn One

Derek, 24

2) Most Offense in Play on Turn One

Derek, 141

3) Most Defense in Play on Turn One

Erwin Bonsma, 96

Current Verified Scores (7/25/16 10:00pm CDT)

1) Most Champions on Turn One

Greylag, 38

2) Most Offense in Play on Turn One

Greylag, 148

3) Most Defense in Play on Turn One

Derek, 137

Blog Focus Shift (Epic Card Game)

The more I play the Epic Card Game, the more I love it. It also seems that most of my readers love the Epic Card Game as well, since my Epic articles are consistently the most popular articles on this blog. Further, I have a lot of planned articles I want to write for Epic, and I haven’t forgotten about the Epic Puzzles.

Therefore, I am shifting this blog’s focus to the Epic Card Game (at least until I get through my backlog of Epic articles). In addition, I also have a lot of non-written ideas I would like to pursue to grow the Epic community.

I will still review the occasional board game, but not at the same rate of 1 per week.

Hero Realms Kickstarter


White Wizard Games has their newest game, Hero Realms, on Kickstarter until Wed, Jul 13 2016 8:00 PM CDT ( This is a 2+ player deckbuilding game based on the Star Realms engine. (Star Realms was their first wildly successful game.)

I have been enjoying Star Realms more the more I play it, and this looks like it is taking the engine in a different and interesting direction. For example, an increased pace, more bases/champions, cooperative gameplay with character decks that can level up over multiple sessions etc. I have not played Hero Realms, but from what I’ve seen so far, I’m comfortable encouraging people to check it out. I am backing it.

By backing on Kickstarter at at least the No Frills tier, you would get the game before it is available for retail. If you back at at least the Gamer Tier, you would get the promo cards that have already been unlocked in the stretch goals. Higher tiers offer more expansions. It will be available for retail, after Kickstarter backers receive their copies.

WWG has stated that they are still supporting and creating content for Star Realms.

This game has nothing to do with Epic (except both have a fantasy theme and both use cards). Hero Realms is not a TCG/CCG/LCG-like game. WWG has stated that they are still supporting and creating content for Epic.

Kickstarter is a crowd-funding website. It allows people/companies to present an idea/project/game/item in various stages of completion to anyone with an internet connection and a credit card. If any of those people want to provide funding in return for the product and/or other rewards, they can. If that campaign reaches a funding goal set by the creator, everything should hopefully go forward. If the funding goal is not met, none of the backers pay anything.

All Hero Realms images are owned by White Wizard Games, Copyright 2016.

Epic Focus: Origins

Epic Box

Origins is coming up with 4 Epic Card Game tournaments, one every day June 16, 2016 – June 19, 2016; I plan on competing in all of them. (I missed pre-registration though.)

So, until Origins, I am going to be focusing all of my posts on Epic, which means no board game reviews for the next 2 weeks. I am also going to try and play as much Epic as possible.

Since an App/Online version of Epic does not yet exist, I have been playing on Tabletop Simulator and Cockatrice. For an explanation of Cockatrice, you can check out Epic Insights’ post here. I try to stay in the discord channel so I can be reached. My steam name is RiotOfficer with a Sea Titan avatar, feel free to reach out if you would like to play. (Once an app/online version exists, assuming one will, I will be transferring over to that fully, and I will plan to stream at that point too.)

If you do play me, you will almost certainly play against one of my potential tournament decks. Not all of them have been posted yet.

In addition, I plan on posting at least some updates after each day at Origins. I hope to collect deck lists/limited pools, pictures of my opponents, and results from the tournaments (with their permission of course).

Finally, each day I plan on posting a picture of myself before heading out, so feel free to come up and say hi. As consistent readers know, I can and do discuss gaming generally and Epic specifically at great lengths.

Let me know if there are any requests Origins related.

Epic Tyrants Rating Update (Good)

Epic Box

I have just updated my ratings for Epic cards to include the Tyrants Good cards. In addition, I have actually tweaked a few of the base Good cards’ ratings as well. (The original ratings and explanations are still there, I just added a section for Tyrants updates.) The updated post can be found here. I will be updating Evil soon. In general, the Tyrants cards seem very strong.

Epic Tyrants Rating Update (Sage)

Epic Box

I have just updated my ratings for Epic cards to include the Tyrants Sage cards. In addition, I have actually tweaked a significant number of the base Sage cards’ ratings as well. (The original ratings and explanations are still there, I just added a section for Tyrants updates.) The updated post can be found here. I will be updating the rest of the factions in the coming weeks. In general, the Tyrants cards seem very strong.